create and mount a lvm of two 9Tb hdd drives

lvm = logical volume

fdisk cannot manage partitions more than 2 Tb.

Instead, parted can.



Firstly,  I checked which of /dev/sd* correspond to the new drives by fdisk and df .

 They were /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc.

Then, I created the partitions:

         parted /dev/sdb

         parted /dev/sdc

Thirdly, I creeated the physical volumes:
         pvcreate /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1

Fourthly, I crated a volume group:

         vgcreate lvg-backup /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1

Fifthly, I created a logical volume and formatted it.

          lvcreate --name homebk --size 18.19TB lvg-backup

          mkfs.ext4 /dev/lvg-backup/homebk

Finally, I mounted the lvm on an appropriate directory.

          mkdir /mnt/backup

          mount /dev/lvg-backup/homebk /mnt/backup/