mount a share directory of qnap located in another netowork.

The situation of the networks is such as:

        hp-ub(ubuntu, laptop)  


                       |     network 1

                       |                                          network2

        nova3(ubuntu, workstation)  --------------------------------qnap "homes", "kazu"


                      |      network 1




qnap serves shared directories "kazu" and "homes". "kazu" is a subdiretory of "homes"  or , in a path representation, "homes"/kazu.

nova3 mounts "homes" by nfs.

mach3 connects a network-drive  by setting \\ server\share as \\nova3\kazu.


The problem is how hp-ub mounts a qnap shared directory "kazu".

The solution:

First, you should install cifs-utils on hp-ub.

su -

apt install cifs-utils

Then you can use mount -t cifs or mount.cifs  on hp-ub,

su -

mount -t cifs //nova3/kazu /mnt/kazu -o user=kazu,pass=xxxx.


In order to permanently mount this shared directory, write a following line in /etc/fstab on hp-ub:

//nova3/kazu /mnt/nova3 cifs user=kazu,pass=xxxx 0 2


Note that the representation of the directory in the host is different from that in the case of nfs. If nova3 has a directory /home/kazu in its physical drive,

mount -t nfs nova3:/home/kazu/ /mnt/kazu

can simply mount the directory. But in the present case,  it failes. Instead, follow the usage 'mount.cifs "shared directory" mount-point',  where "shared directory" should be specified in the //server/share style.